Tag Archives: cars

To Milwaukee and back

City of Milwaukee (image)
Last Saturday Josh and I trekked up to Milwaukee for the Bucks game. The Bucks aren’t so hot right now (last place, oy), but the drive up to Wisconsin is short and the tickets are the right price. Milwaukee may be close, but it couldn’t be more different from Chicago. As the state’s biggest city it pales in comparison to Chicago. After eating dinner at Water Street Brewery we were just a quick walk to the Bradley Center, where they were selling Girl Scout cookies and selling Bucks-inspired dog apparel, so I was sold:)
Chick dog tag

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Filed under My Life, Travel

Holiday season

xmas tree

With Christmas now over and the end of the year looming, it’s sad to think we spend so much time looking forward to the holiday season only to have it come and go so quickly. I’ve spent the past week exploring the Chirstkindlmarket downtown (where I had the best soft pretzel of my life), visiting the Peanuts exhibition at the Museum of Science and Industry (which was amazing), reuniting with friends and spending time with family.

charlie brown tree

peanuts gang


snoopy 2


charles 2


xmas bandana

xmas dress

chick and me

sleeping chick

**And today I was made rudely aware of the fact that the holidays are over when my car was towed (although I initially thought it was stolen). Thank goodness Chick was not in the car. And everyone else who lives in Chicago: don’t park your car in the Jewel parking lot at Division and Ashland. Even if you’re shopping at a store in that shopping center, they have spotters patrolling the lot and if they see you take one step off the “property,” they will call it in. I learned this one the hard way.


Filed under Chicago, My Life