Tag Archives: walks

A weekend walk

Amid a myriad of errands and work yesterday, I managed to sneak in a walk to Wicker Park with Chick. The weather was finally warm enough to not require a heavy jacket, the sun was shining and I could tell Chick was happy to get outside of her usual one block radius. She even managed to sneak a rogue Cheetoh or two (after trying to steal my donut, of course). Always a scavenger, that one:) If yesterday’s weather was a sign of warmer days ahead, I’m ready.


Filed under Chicago, Chicklet, Dogs

Chick’s first Sociabull walk


On Saturday, we all ventured out into the cold and Chick experienced her very first Sociabulls walk. It was pretty dang cold that morning so Chick bundled up and while the location was only five minutes from the apartment, we still just barely made it (isn’t that how it always goes — the ones closest are always the last to arrive?).



Chick was definitely not overexcited about all of the other (much larger) pups, but she did struggle to keep up with the pace of everyone else walking. Not only were her little legs much shorter and she had to work harder to keep up, but she’s also used to taking meandering strolls so keeping her on task and not stopping to sniff every tree was also more difficult than we had anticipated. Next time we’ll keep treats on hand and we also learned that if I walk farther ahead and she can see me, she’s more likely to keep up the pace. Everyone was wonderfully nice and I think as the weather warms up this could be come a fun routine :)


Filed under Chicago, Chicklet, Dogs