Tag Archives: warm weather

Weekend in photos

Even though you wouldn’t know it by the weather we had yesterday and today (snow in April, NBD), this past weekend was warm and filled with so much sunshine. So naturally that meant people decided to start setting off fireworks, which Chick sure did not appreciate. Warm weather also meant a bath for her, which she also did not enjoy. So I guess to sum it up, it was a nice weekend, but not for poor Chick:)

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Filed under Chicago, Chicklet

Black and white Fridays

One of my most favorite photos. Ever. My grandma lounging at the pool. Black and white photos just make everything look so much more glamorous.

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Filed under Black and White, My Life

A weekend walk

Amid a myriad of errands and work yesterday, I managed to sneak in a walk to Wicker Park with Chick. The weather was finally warm enough to not require a heavy jacket, the sun was shining and I could tell Chick was happy to get outside of her usual one block radius. She even managed to sneak a rogue Cheetoh or two (after trying to steal my donut, of course). Always a scavenger, that one:) If yesterday’s weather was a sign of warmer days ahead, I’m ready.


Filed under Chicago, Chicklet, Dogs

Warmer days ahead

Sunset (image)
This past Sunday it was cold. So cold for March that it made me wonder if warmer days really were on the horizon. But when it was 7pm and the sun still hadn’t gone down all the way, it gave me hope. Summer (okay, spring) is coming. We hope. And pray. And if it doesn’t, someone will pay:)


Filed under Chicago