Tag Archives: frasier

On resolutions and such

I normally don’t make resolutions for the new year. If I don’t successfully complete them, it just seems like I’m setting myself up for failure. Also, I think maybe the last time I made a resolution it was to eat less Taco Bell. This was most likely circa 15 years ago.

I still like Taco Bell, but times have changed. So this year, I’m opting to start blogging again. In 2013 I started a new job while continuing to work for my old employer during weeknights and weekends. I continued to volunteer with One Tail at a Time and joined their Board of Directors. Something had to give. So yesterday when I recycled my old planner and opened my new one (yes, I’m still someone who pencils tasks in a weekly planner and not into my iPhone), I decided my 2014 goal would be to write down and share my adventures here in this space once again.

Just over a week ago, I had to say goodbye to one of my oldest pals, the pup I grew up with. Frasier would have been 15 today, and while I know it was his time to go, it was a traumatic and heartbreaking experience that I still can’t stop thinking about. So dear pal, 2014 is for writing things down more. Because sometimes you have to say good-bye.


Filed under Dogs, My Life

Weekend notes

Fortunately, this weekend was fairly relaxing. Friday night was supposed to be a night of pizza and a Godfather marathon (did you know some people have never seen this classic?!), but I somehow got roped into watching the NBA all evening. Saturday saw a lot of errands (the Jeep is CLEAN!) and I was finally able to see Girl with the Dragon Tattoo with my mom, which was so good. Sunday Frasier tried to accompany my dad and I to the Flying Saucer in Humboldt Park, but thanks to a 30 minute wait, Dunkin Donuts–an old stand-by–won out.

Happy end of Monday!

photo via


Filed under Random