Tag Archives: chicago sociabulls

Getting better


Yesterday we took Chick on her second Sociabulls walk and I’m happy to report she did much, much better! She kept up pace and because we’ve been practicing our leash walking skills (somewhat) she was able to listen and focus so she could stay on task. I think this bodes well for future outings. Good job, Chick!


Filed under Chicago, Chicklet, Dogs

Chick’s first Sociabull walk


On Saturday, we all ventured out into the cold and Chick experienced her very first Sociabulls walk. It was pretty dang cold that morning so Chick bundled up and while the location was only five minutes from the apartment, we still just barely made it (isn’t that how it always goes — the ones closest are always the last to arrive?).



Chick was definitely not overexcited about all of the other (much larger) pups, but she did struggle to keep up with the pace of everyone else walking. Not only were her little legs much shorter and she had to work harder to keep up, but she’s also used to taking meandering strolls so keeping her on task and not stopping to sniff every tree was also more difficult than we had anticipated. Next time we’ll keep treats on hand and we also learned that if I walk farther ahead and she can see me, she’s more likely to keep up the pace. Everyone was wonderfully nice and I think as the weather warms up this could be come a fun routine :)


Filed under Chicago, Chicklet, Dogs

Sociabull Chick


^^It was COLD.

Two weeks ago Chick’s name finally came up on the Chicago Sociabulls wait list and we were admitted to attend our first dogless walk to learn more about the acclaimed dog walking club. On the Sunday after we moved we headed to the south side to walk through the neighborhood surrounding the Museum of Science and Industry sans Chick. It was snowy and cold, but we trudged through and were able to meet quite a few friendly pups and their owners. It was definitely a learning experience and I’m happy to report that we’ll be attending with Chick this weekend at a location more near the apartment. The biggest concern I have: will Chick be able to walk for that long? Stay tuned!



^^Can you tell where we are?


Filed under Chicago, Dogs

Around here

A little vignette to look at while working.

A new Snoopy trinket to carry into the new place.

Chick being Chick.

Friday is moving day! So this week has been busy. I’ve been collecting boxes, but as of yet have done no packing. BUT. Chick did get a bath and her bed has been washed so that should count for something. I’m also excited to announce our turn has finally come to join Chicago SociaBulls, a local dog walking group. Originally started to help bring positive awareness to pitbulls, the group is open to any type of dog. There is a mile long wait list to be admitted so this Sunday Josh and I will go dogless to learn what it’s all about and after that Chick will be allowed to tag along. Can’t wait.


Filed under My Life