Tag Archives: pups

Around here


Chowder Vargas




In between traversing the city finding the spot where L. Frank Baum wrote The Wizard of Oz (just mere blocks from the apartment) and the house where Walt Disney grew up (now a not so great house), we also came across two loose pups. One we couldn’t get near, but the other (named Chowder Vargas!), we successfully reunited with his owner. And let me tell you, Chick was not happy to have me holding that little guy. We also pet taxied little Emory around, who was just adopted yesterday through One Tail at a Time. The rest of the weekend was spent feeling grateful for a sweet and silly Chick, safely inside.


Filed under Chicago, Dogs, One Tail at a Time

14 years young

Fourteen years ago my sweet pups, Fray and Gin, came into my life. Yesterday was Fray’s birthday, today is Gin’s. I was in fifth grade and I had only ever known one dog before them. It’s so hard to believe they’ve been a part of our lives for that long, and it’s hard to imagine how time flew by that fast. Fortunately they are doing better than ever, if a bit slower and a bit hard of hearing, but I’m so happy they’re still here with me.


Filed under Frasier, Ginger, My Life

Pillow hog






Someone sure loves burying herself in pillows. Meanwhile, Gin realizes she doesn’t quite fit in that tiny bed. We are back at our apartment now, but I sure do miss my sweet old girl!

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Filed under Chicklet, Dogs, Ginger, My Life, Silly

Two of a kind.

chick on couch

gin 2


chick on table

Since Friday night Josh, Chick and I have been spending our time out in the suburbs taking care of my sweet old Gin, who has been a part of my life since I was in fifth grade. FIFTH GRADE WHAT?! The dog that I grew up with is now a very old girl and it is sad and heartbreaking to watch how slowly she moves up the steps and how hard it is for her to jump on the bed. She sure makes little Chick (who is technically a senior herself!) seem like a spring chicken. But, these two have been getting along swimmingly and I am grateful for it.


Filed under Chicklet, Dogs, Ginger, My Life

Around here

Chick enjoying the sunshine on a cold morning.

A visit to Gram’s on Thanksgiving morning.


Throwback photo I found while doing some organizing the other day.

Teeny tiny dinosaur?

It’s chilly out now and she loves to snuggle up with the rest of ’em.

Chick’s new stocking!

With Thanksgiving now over, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here. It’s hard to believe that 2012 is almost ready to come to a close. It feels like the year just began. Chick has been quite the little goof lately, striking funny poses and hogging the bed, which reminds me an awful lot of Frasier* and they haven’t even seen each other in months. I must be a magnet for strange pups.

*Frasier lives with my dad and I don’t get to see him nearly as often as I would like. I miss him dearly.


Filed under Chicklet, Dogs, Frasier, My Life