Tag Archives: sunshine

Weekend in photos

Even though you wouldn’t know it by the weather we had yesterday and today (snow in April, NBD), this past weekend was warm and filled with so much sunshine. So naturally that meant people decided to start setting off fireworks, which Chick sure did not appreciate. Warm weather also meant a bath for her, which she also did not enjoy. So I guess to sum it up, it was a nice weekend, but not for poor Chick:)

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Filed under Chicago, Chicklet

Where I’ve been. Part 1

aon view
[I could get used to this view, as seen from the 69th floor of my building.]

aon view 2
[Now that it’s warm out, lunches outside are a must.]

The past two months have flown by. I guess starting a new job will do that to you. My days have been filled with early morning runs and walks with Chick, just in time to jam myself onto a packed El car and ride downtown to work. I swear it feels like we’re all sheep being herded to and fro. But I’m not complaining because I’m into the Loop in 15 minutes, with a 10 minute walk to my building. Things could be worse.

So far I have nothing but good things to share about this new job. And luckily for me, I’m also still doing a bit of freelance work for the old place, which however, does mean less time here on this space. But here are a few snapshots of life lately.

Sun 2

You can’t tell by today’s gray skies and cool temps, but it’s finally starting to get warm, which means Chick has been enjoying some sun.
ride the drive
Warmer temps also mean the start of bike riding season for me, as I am a fair weather friend and only ride when temps allow. Over the weekend I kicked it off with a ride down Lake Shore Drive with my dad.


Filed under Chicago, Chicklet, My Life